Above are tw0 photos from around 2005 showing the car in its present condition. Not much has changed in 30 years except some new wheels and tires. Under the hood the 2.0L has now been built to 2.1L with a bump in compression to around 10.5 to 1. The car now has a Holley 360 CFM 4bbl carb (vacuum secondaries). It is still a lot of fun to drive.
This is a picture for an autocross (Solo II) run by the Des Moines Valley Region of the Sports Car Club of America. It was probably in May or June of 1983
On the left i a picture of the car almost completed in Fall of 1979. I thing the seat were just set in and the bumper was just tentatively bolted on to provide pictures for licensing purposes.
The rolling chassis is shown on the right - probably in early spring of 1979.
I wanted to add some pictures of my 1979 Blakely Bearcat S. This car has always been in my family and I was one of the original builders. Above is a picture of us picking up the car at the factory in Davis Junction IL in spring of 1978. The building was still there as of several years ago.